Category: Art

  • Fido, drawn by Rob

    I’ve always, always, found myself drawn to the small, the janky and in some cases, downright tatty when it comes to my tastes. Whether it’s watching (and enjoying!) cheap films, games or whatever, I’m much more at home with rough edges and jank than I am with super polished, super slick stuff.

    Obviously, the dawning of home computer games and the wild spread of stuff being made, listed, or sold meant I would rarely be short of stuff to tinker with and the notorious Don’t Buy This – five pointedly crap games for a couple of quid and a bit – didn’t exactly help either.

    And sure, most of the games on the compilation were games I was in no rush to play. Fido, however, was an exception. A simple and juuuuust about responsive enough to play whack a mole videogame with a cute doggo, Fido got a lot of play. More than a whole bunch of higher rated, better remembered videogames.

    I could rarely be arsed with Fido 2, solely by virtue of having to put effort into forwarding the tape on far enough to get to it rather than having any particular beef with it but the first one? I still like it and still reckon I got more than my two pounds and fifty UK pence worth of videogame from it.

    I can’t recommend anybody else play it! Well, unless you’re like me and thrive on tat, then definitely, definitely, definitely grab Don’t Buy This and give it a play.

  • Olli And Lissa (and Sir Humphrey), drawn by Rob

    Despite being perfectly fine mascots (and certainly cuter than that egg) Olli And Lissa got short shrift in the cover art stakes. A screaming dude for the first, their names reduced to a barely noticeable size for the second as a spooky witch takes centre stage in their place and in the third, inexplicably becoming dogs.

    A bit silly because whilst slight, they were a perfectly fine bunch of games and really quite pretty to boot.

    I guess this is just my way of making it up to them somewhat. Better late than never and all that.

  • Whiskfinder General Dizzy, drawn by Rob

    It’s been a while since I last picked on the egg.

    I’ve got no excuse for this one really. Yes, I was watching a Vincent Price film whilst sketching it out but that was House Of Wax, not Witchfinder General.

    At least I can honestly say the pun isn’t mine. Everything else though? Yeah, sorry. Sorry about your egg.

  • Impossamole, drawn by Rob

    I spent an extraordinary amount of time doing the “that doesn’t look right” face whilst sketching this fella out and I had to keep reminding myself that’s not my fault, Monty genuinely doesn’t look right in Impossamole.

    I’ve never really made peace with it as a game either. For all their unfairness, Monty On The Run and Auf Wiedersehen Monty are still all timers in my book and Impossamole just isn’t. I’ve never found anything to enjoy in it and on occasional revisits, little has changed my opinion over the years.

    Still. Plenty of characters have met a worse videogame fate.

  • Die For The Economy, drawn by Rob

    I’ve done a couple of versions of this for Jeff to use but I had a very specific idea of how I would like a version for me and just me to look so I figured may as well tweak it to please myself.

    I’ve redrawn the main character, it’s still pretty close to the original sketch but I wanted to lose some detail for a more cartoony look. The maze is exactly the same because I’m just really happy with how that turned out. And to wrap it up, a less busy, brighter background.

    Stuff that makes for less striking box art but a nice enough standalone picture.

    Don’t forget you can buy the game for just a few Earth squids and it comes with the Rob seal of approval, as well as a picture or two from me.

    Grab on Steam or Xbox,

  • Cave Dave, drawn by Rob

    He’s Dave, and he does things in caves. I try not to ask what.

    Cave Dave. Dave, in a cave. Dave.

    Grab the game from

  • Molecule Man, drawn by Rob

    For some reason, I’d managed to convince myself that Molecule Man had reviewed pretty poorly on release and that’s completely not the case! So, not sure where I plucked that particular thought from.

    Still can’t believe it only cost a couple of quid too. Great game.

  • Sabre Man, drawn by Rob

    I can’t entirely explain why I’ve always had trouble accepting this is what Sabre Man looks like, it’s a perfectly fine design for him. Just my silly brain decided a long time ago it wasn’t right, for no particular reason either, and I’ve been stuck with that ever since.

  • Mister Tronic, drawn by Rob

    Mister Tronic was the occasional cover star and sometimes mascot of budget label Mastertronic during the eighties. He’s a bit older now but his suit still fits just fine.

    Mastertronic Archive

  • A Nintendo Switch 2 Design by Rob

    I’m still not sure what was going on in the run up to the official Switch 2 announcement as it was pretty obvious that everyone would end up with a Switch but bigger and newer. Still, there are worse things than fantasising about potential hardware.

    Personally, I’m just disappointed Nintendo haven’t actually fitted splooge tube tech.