Site Info

This website is cobbled together using WordPress. I was sort of hoping to find something else I could use but because I’m doing most stuff on a tablet these days, most of the alternatives were either too time consuming for my current “don’t have the energy for much” state or too difficult to mould into the sort of thing I’d be happy with. Ah well.

The fonts are Space Mono, Fira Code and VT323.

My avatar on here has been jiggled with the wonderful Retrospecs app to make it more computer-y. I love Retrospecs.

The site is hosted by Hostineer, who are great.

Punching Robots is my second “main” personal website over the years. For around ten years I existed at Mersey Remakes – which is no longer under my control – but a few years back I decided I would like a new start, for a new me. It has taken me pretty much until this year to really discover what I wanted from my own webspace, hence the recent redesign. Not bad for someone who has been online since the nineties.

I chose Punching Robots as a tribute to Magnus, Robot Fighter. The best at punching robots. My previous personal blog, We Make The Cops Look Dumb, was named after the opening line from a Luke Haines song.

Thanks for stopping by,