Category: Videogames

  • Oidanoid, drawn by Rob

    Chris has been chipping away at Oidanoid for a while now and quite a few folk have had a play around with it before me. I’ll admit that it wasn’t for want of opportunity, it was just I kept forgetting because I’m completely rubbish.

    Fortunately for me, I got thrown a link to the latest version yesterday, downloaded the thing, popped it onto the Steam deck and … yeah, go on then!

    It’s a neat twin sticker very, very much more in the Minter vein than what I do and obviously, everyone knows that’s the correct approach to anything whatsoever. There’s a lot of Yak DNA to the game with its biscuits, flying text, and more chill Llamatrom vibes and that’s probably the first thing anyone will notice.

    A bit of a play and that rather slips away as it reveals itself to be, and I piss you not about this, more Blue Jam than you’d expect any game to be. There’s a constant, calm but unsettling ambience to everything and sure, as far as I could tell nobody has put any lizards in my Steam deck, it still made for a pretty weird (in a very good way) experience.

    And, you know, I do love a game that feels extra personal. Aside from some social media chats over the years I don’t really know Chris as a person but this is one of those videogame recipes where it feels like there’s only one person in the world who could make this the way it’s made and that’s my favourite thing in anything, ever.

    So of course I had to give it a doodle. I love that stuff. Plus, you know, neon grids. I can’t help myself.

    You can follow what Chris is up to over on the Blueskys. Go on.

  • 3d Don’t Die, Mr Robot

    I love it when a game I’ve been looking forward to turns out even better than I’d hoped. 3d Don’t Die, Mr Robot is even better than I’d hoped. I’m incredibly happy with this outcome.

    3DDDMR (because even tho the name is partially my fault, I am too tired to keep typing it out in full so often) is what happens when you combine cartoony Minter-esque visuals, Omega’s Every Extend style explosion chaining, the understanding that a videogame often needs fruit to be its best self and a cacophony of speech and things that go wub wub.

    Infinite States have taken a couple of prior shots at the game and I’ve been rather enamoured with all of them (and certainly felt pretty chuffed when one of the character unlocks in one of the elder DDMR games was mine and your favourite fishy chum, DRM), and this is the one where I feel like “yes, that’s it, nailed it” fully and completely applies. 

    The general gist of the game is that a bunch of hazards come swinging in at you, fruit drops onto the board and … it’s exploding fruit, yay! So, use the exploding fruit to chain explosions together to blow up some meany bad guys and score as highly as possible and (depending on the game type you choose) last as long as possible to do so. Don’t hit the baddies but do get close to do some grazing, if you dare.

    The results are a barrage of arcade bleeps, bloops, robot voices and pings, fruit puns, colours and fireworks everywhere, lasers and everything that’s good in videogames.

    Bluntly, I bloody love it. It’s out now. Also, “Lime Attack Mode”. Fuck me, get out and don’t come back until you’re ready to say sorry.