Tag: No Man’s Sky

  • No Man’s Sky: Worlds II Underwater Screenshots

    First world I’ve taken to exploring after polishing off the quest to open up the new star systems for exploration and its got a 400 unit deep ocean that takes an absolute age to reach the floor of.

    It’s immensely beautiful down there, I’ve found myself just slowly swimming about the place, occasionally grabbing some resources but not with any intent, and enjoying the view.

  • No Man’s Sky: Worlds II screenshots

    I haven’t had much of a chance to dig too deep into the latest No Man’s Sky update yet, what I have played so far looks incredible though. Every time I think “okay, that’s as good as this game is going to look now”, Hello pull a blinder and make it look even better.

    Just a few pics from my first bit of travelling through Worlds II. More in a short while, no doubt,